This article about The Health Benefits of Water has been forwarded to us by the editorial team at
The human body is composed of approximately 60% water. It is therefore easy to understand why it is so essential to life and the health benefits of drinking water. A human can survive for a long time without food, but without water, dehydration sets in quickly, leading to death. Even mild dehydration on an ongoing basis can lead to serious illnesses from accumulation of deadly toxins.
Having insufficient amounts of water in the body prevents waste products from being flushed out of the cells, allowing them to build up until they reach toxic levels. High levels of toxins can lead to cancer, liver disease, arthritis, low energy and poor brain function. Mild dehydration alone can make you feel drained of energy, depressed and unmotivated. Dehydration can also lead to constipation, another potential source of cancer-causing toxins.
Water is essential for the proper functioning of the body?s systems and organs, including the brain. Lack of water can make you feel tired and sluggish, and even make it harder to think. Every chemical reaction in the body requires water. It is necessary for metabolizing food and for proper bowel function.
Water helps boost the immune system as well as dissolve minerals and other vital nutrients and carries them to the cells so they can be used by the body. It also regulates body temperature and helps lessen the strain on the liver and kidneys by flushing toxic substances out of the vital organs, helping to prevent deadly diseases such as cancer. Water is a key component of saliva, necessary for keeping the mouth moist and also for creating a moist environment for the eyes, ears nose and throat. Adequate moisture in the body keeps the joints lubricated, improving mobility, easing the pain of arthritis and possibly even preventing some types of arthritis from occurring in the first place.
Water also helps fight premature aging. Properly hydrated skin retains its elasticity, keeping it smooth and preventing wrinkles from appearing. Healthy skin is more able to repair damage caused by free radicals such as air pollution, cigarette smoke and sunshine.
In assessing the different health benefits of water and deciding what type of water will bring you the best nutritional benefits, you must remember that the benefits range from simple to complex and are varied. And although studies have not shown any concrete evidence that mineral water health benefits are different from those associated with regular tap water, there are several important things to highlight about the differences.
For instance, sparkling mineral water health benefits include but are not limited to the lowering of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind of cholesterol), the balancing of sodium levels in your body, an increase in your HDL cholesterol (the good kind of cholesterol), it kills bacteria that attack the immune system and can cause infections and illnesses, and reduces your caloric intake (like all other water).
Once water has been cleaned, boiled (the process to create distilled water), processed or softened, the minerals are removed or otherwise destroyed or damaged, making these essential minerals useless to the human body. Tap water is always sent through a cleaning process and many things are added to it such as fluoride and additional minerals and vitamins. This also happens with bottled water a great deal of the time.
The main research of nutritionists and other health professionals shows that most things from nature are best in their natural state. Mineral water has many health benefits because it brings back to your body what is destroyed during your daily activities and through the normal course of life. Mineral water is the best way to quickly rehydrate your body and bring back all of the essential nutrients your body needs to be in its healthiest state.
Once again, we would like to thank the team at for this article. Please follow these links if you would like more information about water purifiers or water filters.
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