Francis Lam provides a calming read on the egg recall and how to stay safe in its wake.
2) Food Politics: Further Thoughts on Egg Recall
The egg recall is just the latest indictment on the factory farm system. Marion Nestle points out some of the high points and puts a face on the crisis.
3) The Ethicurean: Neophobia 101: When picky eaters confound Ethicureanish intentions
Parents, do you have a picky eater at your table despite all your best efforts? Check out this charming tale from The Ethicurean. But play it cool.
4) HuffPo: Record Breaking Vegetables
Ohio: represent!
5) Casual Kitchen: The Economics of Wasteful Foods
Another terrific post from Dan at Casual Kitchen on food and economics, as he deftly points out that we get WAY more for our money when we skip the "time-saving" foods and stick to the real thing.
6) Food Politics: Do We Need Meat Substitutes?
Speaking of convenience foods, this collection of articles about the development of fake meat is fascinating and kind of queasy-making. I’ll stick with lentils and tofu.
7) Mother Jones’s Blue Marble Blog: What Sustainable Seafood?
Blue Marble highlights an op-ed in the Sept. 2 issue of Nature (paywall) criticizing the standards of the Marine Stewardship Council. The MSC determines which fisheries are bestowed with the “sustainable” label used to endorse fish sold in big supermarket chains like Wal-Mart and Whole Foods.
8) Jezebel: The Mind-Boggling History of Fad Diets
When I was a teen with a horrible body image, I would daydream about getting a tapeworm, but I never followed through.
9) Slashfood: New Food Stamp Pilot Enlists Discount Produce
The Dept. of Agriculture is granting Massachusetts $20M for its Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which will temporarily provide a 30% discount on fresh produce to a test group of food stamp recipients.
10) Unplugged: 10 Oven Tips that Cut Costs and Keep You Cool
Handy reminders and new ideas for keeping it cool during the last days of high temps while still using the oven. Um...there are two items about cleaning it. Via The Kitchn.
Object By: Crocheted Veggies
Japanese artist jungjung has whipped up the most delicious vegetables you’ve ever seen. Via CRAFT Magazine.
Civil Eats: Hydroponic Roof Garden Supplies Manhattan Restaurant
A Manhattan restaurateur grows all the produce for his bistro’s menu on the roof of the building. This story combines two of my favorite things: fresh veggies and urban roof gardens. Seriously, let’s put some more green up there, people!
Gothamist: Did Bacon Make CT Wendy’s Cook Threaten Co-Worker?
It’s nice to know some people take food safety seriously.

Comic artist Natalie Dee has our number.
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