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Today’s meal ideas came from my kids mouths themselves. I asked each one what their favorite foods were to compile a week of their favorite meals. Then I got online to research “healthier versions” of their favorite foods. It’s almost embarrassing how they came up with typical kid junk-fare. I remind them they are supposed to be the “Super Healthy Kids”. They are supposed to be an example to children all over the world that they love to eat healthy foods.” Nate, my 11 year old smart aleck, said, “Tell your readers my favorite breakfast food is candy.”
So, in purple is what my kids asked for, and below it, what we are really going to eat. I love being the mom!
BreakfastLunch Snack DinnerMondayOmelets
(Baked Omelet)Hot Dogs (I’m mortified.. This is better: Homemade hot dogs)String CheesePizza
(Whole wheat artichoke and red pepper pizza)TuesdayToast
(Cream Cheese and sliced strawberries)Macaroni and cheese
Macaroni with peas and carrotsGranola BarsAngel Hair pasta with parmesan cheese
(Whole wheat linguini with parmesan, broccoli and mushrooms)WednesdayPancakes
(Lemon cottage cheese pancakes with poppyseeds! Wow, don’t these sound yummy!)Chicken Nuggets
(Chick-pea nuggets)Apples and yogurt dipSloppy Joes
(Sloppy Lentils on whole wheat buns)ThursdayWaffles
(Multi-Grain Waffles)Ham and cheese sandwich
(Turkey wrap)Fruit Roll Ups (fruit rollups)Teriyaki chicken and rice (Approved)
Green Smoothies… just to spite the smart alleck)Peanut Butter and Jelly
(Peanut butter and whole fruit jam on whole wheat english muffin)Chips and dip (fruit salsa with pita crisps)Taco’s
(Taco Salad bar)
* Important note: Easy Lunch Boxes are officially on backorder. However, because of the delay, if you place an order anyway, they are throwing in a free cooler bag! That is 4 containers, 4 lids, and a cooler bag for $13.95!! Hooray for healthy lunch options!
Head over to the healthy meal archives to get almost a full year of free printable menu plans.

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Posted: September 19th, 2010 under Ideas and Issues, Meal Plan Posts.Comments
Time September 19, 2010 at 1:46 pm
At least they didn’t suggest candy for EVERY meal!
Time September 19, 2010 at 5:19 pm
I like all the meals {that you added} Those hot dogs sound really interestingly yummy!
Time September 19, 2010 at 5:44 pm
my kids LOVE chickpea nuggets. I use your recipe. sometimes if I have it I add some shredded chicken to the mix. fruit salsa with chips is also popular in our house.
*we love our easy lunch box
Time September 19, 2010 at 6:01 pm
Sounds good. I still have to try those chickpea nuggets.
Pingback from Tweets that mention Healthy Meals and food for Healthy Kids » Kid Approved Healthy Meal Plan — Topsy.comTime September 19, 2010 at 11:42 pm
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Healthy Cooking, Jen Kids and Healthykids, Healthykids. Healthykids said: Kid Approved Healthy Meal Plan: Today’s meal ideas came from my kids mouths themselves. I asked each one what the… http://bit.ly/aBdvwH [...]
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[...] Healthy Meals and food for Healthy Kids » Kid Approved Healthy Meal Plan via blog.superhealthykids.com [...]
Time September 21, 2010 at 8:54 am
My kids love breakfast cereal. It’s so hard to find kinds that are sweet enough for them and without the yucky stuff. Any ideas for homemade cereals?
Time September 21, 2010 at 1:52 pm
My daughter LOVES poppyseed. We’ll be trying these for breakfast for sure!! thanks for sharing!!
Time September 21, 2010 at 4:23 pm
Candy for breakfast? I don’t think my kids would like the Sloppy Lentils. It is so hard to find recipes everyone likes.
Pingback from Healthy Meals and food for Healthy Kids » Kid Approved Healthy … | Weight Loss MealsTime September 22, 2010 at 9:51 am
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